Working late here at the office -- concocting new mixed drinks, crafting love letters, consuming pop culture -- all for betterment of improving the depth and breadth of our material, we were suddenly startled with a bevy of sirens and lights.
Perhaps against our better judgement, we ventured outside to see what was the matter and were treated to the spectacle that is four marked police cars. After snapping a few investigative pictures we started getting antsy for some action...then an enormous handcuffed black dude was hauled out of a house by two cops, and then another of Austin's (less than) finest called out to a teammate saying, "I think there's another one on the roof."
If these brothers were doing something that warranted four cars and the authorities were having trouble locating one of the perps, it was time to go inside.
We get a pretty good wireless signal from under our desk.
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