Friday, July 18, 2008

Watch It

HBO's new series, Generation Kill, is the shit. With The Wire (the TV drama of all-time, without a doubt) finished, Deadwood long gone, and The Sopranos not being relevant to us in about five years, Home Box Office needed to bring it, and they have.

The first episode was sweet and we are anxiously awaiting the rest of the series. The dude who plays Ray stole the first episode (and was Ziggy on The Wire). You take his character and mix it with Cliff from Dead Man on Campus, the Terminator from The Terminator, and some kind of cat-loving, bare-chested tango dancer and you'll get a bit of an idea about our man Monkey Boy.

Monkey, if you hadn't fallen off that horse in Ecuador, and still been a part of the USMC, There'd be 51 states by now, and we'd be looking for property on the Euphrates.

HOO RAH...sempre fi

Seriously, if you have HBO watch this show.


Anonymous said...

Instead of watching life pass you by, why don't you live it.

Join the military

KITE said...

We like your style Freud, calling us out...but we rather enjoy watching...then commenting. As bloggers we are not much more than voyeurs with keyboards.

If you can present a decent reason for us to become more than affable spectators, we'll listen.

In the meantime we'll enjoy our perch upon NLNC mountain, while anxiously awaiting you to take a stand beyond your anonymous label. Hopefully you can take a timeout to supress your id, and stop fucking your mom.