In case you haven't heard, according to the never sensationalist media, our home state of Texas is going to be destroyed this weekend by Hurricane Ike. Other than the only University of Texas football game we were going to get to attend this year getting postponed, we're rather enjoying the
hysteria. Something about knowing of your
immanent destruction days in advance has everyone in a tizzy. Call us crazy, but something tells us that the 300
ish miles of land in-between the coast and our fine Bohemian hamlet will weather the weather.
One of our cousins, and hopefully the only family member who knows of this here blog, sent us this:

For our younger readers, the African American smiling at you from the eye of the hurricane is Ike Turner. The musical savant, Ike Turner, who used to "Slap the Shit" out of Tina Turner. That's why it's funny.
Rolling on the River...
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