Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who's gonna drive you home tonight?

We went to the local grocery store today for lunch and bore witness to something truly remarkable. As we walked the aisles in search of a can of EZ Cheese, perhaps the greatest song of all-time began playing over the HEB store speakers. The reaction was amazing.

From butchers, to stock boys, to produce fondling MILFs, everyone in the store slowed their pace (of whatever they were doing), put on their best "sexy face" and started singing along. Despite the rather depressing lyrics, each time we passed a new person there was a knowing glance exchanged that seemed to say, "Everything is gonna be alright."

If prior to battle, world leaders would gather and listen to Drive by the Cars, this world would be a better place.

Side note: Paulina Porizkova is top five all-time...YOWZAHHHHH!!!

1 comment:

you said...

i just got caught in a youtube 80s musicvideo linking black hole... i hope those guys at CERN figure out whats causing this