Monday, June 30, 2008

100th Post, Woo-Hoo!!!

Coincidentally we have reached the century mark for postings on the very night we've completed exactly two months of our non sequitur ramblings. We're disappointed in the lack of comments since good blog postings are usually platforms for commenters with similar (or differing) feelings to go off. Perhaps our lack of a consistent theme makes that tough. Perhaps we're just not as funny or compelling as we think. We'll be working on it.

Despite this, it's been a pretty solid first 60 days. The staff would like to thank the readers for sticking with us, even on those posts that we think are much wittier and sharply written than they probably are. If you come across a funny link, have a good idea, or any tip, email us at ___________ . We always appreciate feedback and please be patient, we're doing our best to answer all the fan mail.

Cheers!!! To us!!!


Anonymous said...

The reason that you are not getting any traffic is because you haven't done any marketing. Because you don't have any money, you may think that you can't do anything. This is not so, many of the best online marketing techniques can be done at little or no cost. For example, your site is not showing up in either Yahoo or MSN. To submit your site to these search engines use the following links.

There are a ton of different ways you can promote your blog. Check out the following site or simply type in "promoting blogs" into google. It's not hard work, it just takes a little effort.

Once you build up your traffic you can start selling bannar space. While only a small percentage of blogs ever reach this level, the payoffs can be quite handsome.

Anonymous said...

also, you're a chauvinist pig. that doesn't exactly help with the female audience.