Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Drinking Alone- Ale

Alcohol related advice so good, that if you take heed, you won't need anyone else around to enjoy the experience... You can even be alone in your parents house, where you are "temporarily" living, while you "save money".

We get a lot of emails, from you the readers, asking for advice. Most are regarding love and relationships, but since We've started this column We get asked a lot about Our favorite beer. Now, We are quite the beer connoisseurs, and we respect the huge difference between ale and lager, making this a rather impossible question, so we will start with ale and next week divulge our favorite weasel piss.
Five, maybe even three years ago, We would have told you we didn't even like ale, but after years of overly spicy food and binge-drinking, We've pretty much destroyed the majority of our taste buds, and now love the stuff. And our ale of choice is easily Newcastle Brown.
"Dog" or "Brown" (sounds more like "Broon" when our English friends say it) is a very young beer, having been brought to life in 1927, but what it lacks in experience it makes up for in taste. In fact We're enjoying one of their ace (there's a fine Northern England superlative for you) pint bottles as we type this.
So next time you think that you're in the mood for an ale, don't buy the hype -- put down the Sam Adams, and get yourself a Newcastle Brown.

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