In the final installment of this week's series, Slacking of at Work, we look at the gold standard - the classic, alt+tab. It stands the test of time thanks to it's simplicity and genius. There's nothing terribly flashy about it and we have no personal anecdote that stands out above the rest, but alt+tab is something near and dear to our hearts.
In case you've been working under a rock and are not familiar with this legendary tool of unproductively, alt+tab is a key command for Windows systems. By holding down the "alt" button and then tapping "tab" you can seamlessly, quickly and inconspicuously toggle from window to window.
Coworkers were always giving us suspicious looks when they'd walk past and our mouse hastily moved North and East, to minimize the object of our attention. But once we discovered alt+tab, the looks went away and so did our workday happiness.
So if you haven't been using alt+tab, get crackin, you'll be better able to peruse the "series of tubes" at your leisure -- enjoying websites, personal email accounts and even "The Most Interesting Blog in the Room".
Insider tip- #5 works best when accompanied by #4, The go-to Spreadsheet.
Windows+M also works well when you have multiple screens.
your next post is going to be the worst ever. i have the feeling you are going to make a bad decision soon.
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