Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Aging Gracefully

Our little sister graduated from the University of Texas this weekend and as part of the festivities, she threw a kegger. Her graduating from college officially makes us old, so we were hesitant to attend a shindig that would probably have a handful of 19 and 20-year-olds present, but she insisted, on multiple occasions, so we relented and went.

It turned out to be a very enjoyable experience. Not only were there three kegs, but we met a number of nice people, and there was a mulleted midget, speaking a foreign tongue, to boot. However our highlight by far, was when our sister introduced us to a fetching sophomore to be. After the long-legged vixen heard we were siblings she asked, without a hint of sarcasm, "Older or younger?"

The fact that we are so pumped, to have maintained our boyish mediocre looks, and to have gotten this response, means we're even older... We're starting to sound like middle-aged ladies.

On the topic of age, we pose this question to you, fair readers: How do you determine an acceptable range in age difference between yourself and a potential girl or guy? When in foreign lands, all bets are off, and we go with the "Don't Ask Policy," but when home, we like to use the- (1/2 your age + 7) equation.


Anonymous said...

i do the old tried and true, "Kite's little vixen sister method". If she is around Kite's sis's age, GOLDEN! If not, too old, too young!

GOULET! Better watch your job Johnny!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If there's grass on the field... Play Ball!

If there's not... Play in the Mud!

Anonymous said...

Deep thought...

If you met the jackass who took your baby sister's virginity, would you:

A) Promptly deliver a roundhouse kick to the dude's face

B) Ask if the dude has a sister, and promptly fuck, said sister in the butt to exact revenge

C) Whip out your Nunchucks and bash him to a bloody pulp


D) Shake the dude's hand, cuz your little sister is a skank

Anonymous said...

For some reason I am strangely aroused by this.


... I think it's time to rub another one out

Anonymous said...

Whew... I'm back

I almost ran into a critical situation. I ran out of lotion. Thankfully, Shampoo seems to work pretty well in a pinch. I'll have to remember that next time.

... Pantene Pro V