Friday, May 9, 2008

Casual Friday Confusion

We are working for one of those hip, trendy companies that has a "Casual Friday" policy. The spirit of "Casual Friday" is to relax some of the company rules so that employees will, for at least one day, forget that they hate the place (Hawaiian shirts are powerful). We are temporary employees of this hip, trendy company and today was our first "Casual Friday." We assumed the dress code would be relaxed and wore flip-flops and shorts. We were right. We assumed the rules on the page in the employee handbook titled, Alcohol, Narcotics & Firearms would also be relaxed. We were wrong... we are on probation.


Anonymous said...

it's been such a long time since i've really talked to you that i forgot how much of a misogynist you are.

KITE said...

We are not 100% sure what that means, but we're thinking, irresistable.

Anonymous said...

wow! old girlfriends, church skippers of the past, and back seat study buddies talking shit? Good work Kite!