Monday, May 19, 2008

A Symbol of Hate

We have worn baseball caps all our lives. Inside-outside, day-night, it just has always felt right, and since our domes are rather large, we stick with the New Era brand official MLB cap. We've tried other brands and it just doesn't work.

Our hat selection has never been because of any allegiance to the teams, but rather just because of style. Over the years we have worn the hats of many different teams simply because they go with our outfit. I guess we're kind of like rappers in that regard.

A few months ago we bought our first NY Yankees hat and the results have been fascinating. Being the lovable considerate people we are, animosity is not something we're used to, but this Yankees hat has brought us random angst wherever we wear it. We live in one of the most laid-back cities around, people here don't really get mad at anything, that doesn't involve the Democratic Party, and on multiple occasions complete strangers have told us to have sex with ourselves--and to use the hat. We'll meet someone at a party or just out-and-about and midway through the conversation they'll pause, curl their lips and ask incredulously, "Do you really like the Yankees?"

For the first few months we gave an honest answer: that we were indifferent about the team and that we simply liked the art-nouveau logo, and that the navy and white went well with our outfit--to which was met with the, so you're a poseur and a fag look. Now we just say, "Hell yeah!!! Paul O'Neil... wooo!!!"


Anonymous said...

the yankees suck.

Anonymous said...

PS #2

and so do you Kite!

Anonymous said...

oh sure, erase my yankee hate post! bottom shelf!