It has been hot as balls this Summer. Texas is always hot, but it's been melt-your-face-off hot, this year. Temperature records have been broken almost daily, today was like 138 or some shit. To fight this ridiculous heat we've decided to start drinking earlier. Now instead of waiting for mom to go to bed, we just come through the door with a cold one straight after work. As the sweat drips from her brow, her once looks of shame and sorrow for what her sons have become, have transformed to looks of understanding, often accompanied with a thumbs-up.
After much taste-testing we've found that the best cure for beating the heat is a Tecate, or as we say, Te"Kite"eh. Now for some reason Tecate has the reputation as the shit beer of Mexico and we don't really understand why. Yes, it's no Bohemia of Negro Modelo, but those two are a different animal. We think a Te"Kite"eh brings it just as well as Corona and Dos XX, and at half the price. And like are main man, and fellow drunk, Ben Franklin always said -- "Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M. Get the money, dolla dolla bill ya'll!" Or maybe it was, "A motherfucking penny saved is a motherfucking penny earned." We get Franklin and Raekwon mixed up all the time.
So next time the heat has got a hold of you and just won't let go, we recommend buying a Te"Kite"eh tall boy (or a Grande as NoCal wiggers call them), smearing a lime around the rim, dipping the freshly limed-can in salt, and commence the drinking.
!Viva Mexico!
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