Friday, August 22, 2008

Employees of the Month

Good morning NLNC family. We've told a few stories of our famous work ethic, or rather the lack thereof, and in case anyone repudiates our claims, and thinks that we've been making this stuff up, or that they're just a bunch of tall tales, we offer up the following evidence.

This is from the job we were working when the NLNC was born, and we can't really believe that someone took the time to write us a personalized letter that states each offense. Didn't they have a HR form letter somewhere. We apologize for it being so small but we've had a hell of a time trying to make it bigger, have given up, and will just write it out for you. It reads:

Dear No-Look,

Upon close review of your reader evaluations from your recent employment with DRC, we are unable to offer you future work. Your reading rate was below average, in addition to your unwillingness to adhere to the rubric and the fact that on more than one occasion you were sleeping on the job.

I wish you the best of luck in your search for future employment.


Vicky Sherman
Human Resources Representative
Data Recognition Corporation

We're going to have it framed.


Anonymous said...

minimum effort, maximum results. that letter speaks volumes. congrats!!

Anonymous said...

So what exactly did you do at this DRC place?

KITE said...

As you can gather from the letter, very little.

Unknown said...

This is a classic. You should leave this to your grandchildren in your will...and make sure to staple to it the photo of you at your sister's graduation sporting the beard and huge sunglasses.