On our lunches this week, we've found restaurants with TVs showing the Olympics. Before today, MSNBC showed weightlifting over the lunch hour and it has been awesome. In case you've never watched weightlifting, it involves short dudes in spandex taking weights as heavy as three times their body weight and lifting them from the ground to overhead. There are two types of lifts, the snatch (insert vagina joke here) and the clean-and-jerk (insert masturbation joke here). Each competitor lifts as much as they can using both lift styles, and the lifter with the highest cumulative amount of weight wins.
Feeling inspired by these modern-day Hercules'. We went to the gym last night and proceeded to barely bench press our own weight. Humbled, we went to bed early (after our own clean-and-jerk competition of course) failing to write the weekly DA column, and will be drinking water for awhile...at least until the weekend.
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