Monday, August 11, 2008

A Hearty Welcome

We would like to welcome another member to our staff. He's been an attentive reader for awhile, proven his worth on one of our past creative ventures, and now has been charged with a special assignment here at The NLNC.

We need to start attracting a younger following, so we made a few phone calls and pulled some strings over at our beloved Alma Mater, and got the skinny little bastard accepted so that we can have a college correspondent. He has gratefully decided to enroll.

Now reporting from a land of HOT females aged 18-22, all the while peering out over the pristine Pacific from his hill-topped campus, is going to be yeoman's work, but we have confidence that he is up to the task. With style, class and taste beyond his years, we feel that he will do a fine job reporting on the college experience.

So without further ado, we welcome Dormeo to The NLNC staff. May the freshman girls swoon for him like Romeo, and he write for us like Shakespeare.


Anonymous said...

savvy HR move...

top drawer NLNC

Anonymous said...


My only words of advice to you are this...

Do not ever join a Fraternity.

Do you really need to pay for friends? The only people that join them are people that never had friends in H.S. or the stereotypical preppy douchebags that infest today's High School halls. Neither are people you really want to associate with.