Monday, June 9, 2008

Dancing Etiquette - Part 1

Now we are no Fred Astaire, and definitely no Usher, but we have been known to cut-a-little-rug in our day. With no formal training, we rely solely on natural rhythm, and lots of pelvis thrusts, to get the job done. We've even been known to bust out our version of "The Robot" on extremely rare occasions (like every time our feet hit a dance floor). Actually, now that we're writing this, and really thinking about it, perhaps we're not as good as we think, hmmmm...Maybe there's a reason we never see anyone else rocking the Mic Jagger/Gay Chicken Walk...No matter, we really enjoy dancing. It's one of a few things that we do better than average, and where else in life, can a guy basically grope beautiful women--often that he doesn't even know--while being a sweaty mess, and not only do the beautiful women not call the police, but they usually love it.

Since we are aware that dancing is a bit of a stumbling block for many of our readers: Each day this week will be dropping a little dancing etiquette that will help you along.

1.)Never, unless you're David Beckham, approach a circle of girls that are dancing together, it's suicide!!! Even if you've been exchanging coquettish glances, and she seems interested, don't do it. She's there on some girls-night-out kinda thing and will immediately seek approval from her friends. If the others are not getting attention from a guy, they will quickly band together and dispatch of you out of jealousy--either because they're catty and just don't want their "friend" to get something that they are not, or because they just want to spend time with their friend and don't want you moving in on their time together. Just wait until the female dance circle has ended, if she is really interested she'll give you an opening before long.


Anonymous said...

and what's your advice for a white girl who can't dance?

KITE said...

ummmmm, you're screwed.