Monday, June 30, 2008

Video HOF - "I'm a Man...I'm 40!!!"

We were gallivanting around South America when this press conference happened, this past fall, so we weren't exposed to the overplaying it must have received. It makes us laugh hysterically whenever we think about it. Our maturity level being what it is, we are at best, man-boys, so we can only hope that we are MEN!!! when we reach the big 4 oh, and if not we hope that we're at least crunk-as-shit!!! like Coach Gundy here:


Anonymous said...

i love this.
it makes me laugh a little bit, but it also makes me really happy that there are still a few decent people left out there.

KITE said...

Decent people? I think you mean over caffeinated, delusional, and irascible.