Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Our country is having another birthday and this year it lands on a Friday...fortuitous. How do you best celebrate the 232 birthday of a beleaguered superpower? We see it a bit like how we expect to be celebrating our birthdays about 20 years from now, when we are a beleaguered superpower.

A delusional tyrant bitch (probably our third wife) is on her way out of power and we are shopping for a new one. (With one of the prospectives being a smooth talking minority.) Health care is a mess, and has been since our liver followed the second wife out the door, and especially since we forgot to call our doctor after that 36 hour, blue pill induced hard-on. The economy sucks -- we don't have a job, our investment portfolio is shot (damn you hover boards!!!!), and the banks keep calling about those, no money-down too good to be true, home loans. Gas runs through our 1999 Jeep Cherokee (yep we still got it) too fast, and at $47/gallon we can't really afford to go anywhere. The war isn't going to well...those sectarian bastards!!! Why won't Utah just chill with the religious fanaticism. Our international friends that we met on that trip to South America back 2007, all talk shit about us and laugh when we're not around. Iron Man 11 sucked. But thank goodness for that 40 foot wall. We can't really afford to help out with our kids right now.

But it's birthday time, so lets forget about our problems. It's time to fire-up the barbecue grill, watch some baseball, drink too much (soon to be Belgian owned) Budweiser, risk life and limb with some sparklers and bottle rockets, and put some feathers in our caps and call them macaroni...

From all of us at NLNC, have a happy and safe Independence Day.

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