Friday, September 19, 2008


No real posts today or tonight. At work today, someone finally confronted us with the question, "So what exactly do you guys do here, and why are we paying you?" We acted fast with a frightened look over the woman's shoulder, a frantic point, and then ran away and hid in an unoccupied office. It should buy us a few more weeks of employment, but the daytime posts will be fewer and farther between. As for tonight, we're frantically cramming for the GRE. We take it on Saturday, and don't really have time for this drivel. A graduate assistantship (meaning free school) is on the line.

Obsequious...Asian women
Specious...everything out of our mouths at work
Soporific...everything out of our last date's mouth
Pearl Necklace...a badge of honor

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