Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Know What's Going on Our Business Cards

You can have your CEO, COO, VP, MD, e-t-c.

We've never been big fans of titles. They don't impress anyone except for the titleholder themselves, and if by chance you run into someone who is impressed, they are either your mom or they probably suck. For this reason, we've always promised ourselves that no matter how high we climb in the world, someday when we have business cards made, in place of a title they will just read, "Human." This was until now.

Earlier today we heard an interesting NPR story that included polling conducted by the Pew Research Center. Interested in learning more, and not knowing the proper spelling, we just now performed an Internet search for the Pugh Center on Wikipedia. Having quite a few Pugh related entries, Wikipedia provides searchers with an initial Pugh list.

If you clicked on the Pugh list, near the middle of the entries is Mr. Pepe Le Pew, of Looney Tunes fame. His title, you can read next to his name, is the greatest title of all time...LOVER EXTRAORDINAIRE.

We think it would look great on our cards in raised black ink right above the watermark.

We had forgotten how hilarious Pepe is:

You are ze corned beef to me, I am ze cabbage to you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait a second, i thought Pepe was Looney Tune's in-house Rapist.

"sometimes you gotta just take the pussy, like Pepe"