Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wagner at Vork

The NLNC is not just about fun and games. We also view ourselves as life coaches to the masses, so here's a little tip for helping the workday go by a little quicker.

When faced with a mindless remedial task that seems to have broken the office clocks, and sent them spinning in reverse, it's time to add a little music to the equation. Now this is nothing revolutionary. Thanks to Marry Poppins (mmmmm) and Snow White, everyone knows that music is the key, but today we rocked some Wagner in the old iPod and it was different, it was incredible.

As we moved files from one cabinet to another, the beautiful and haunting sounds from the master of the German opera, transported our minds to another place. Time became irrelevant and before we knew it, it was time to leave. However, the downside to over two hours of Wagner, is that you'll be exhausted. Since his music is the backdrop to so many cinematic classics (or at least they sound like they should) it makes you feel as if you've fallen in love, had your heart broken, defeated an invading army, won a prestigious award, and been involved in some form of montage where hard work over a long period of time was needed to accomplish a dream.

If you want, no matter what your doing, to feel like the most important and bad ass task of all-time, then listen to this one:

If you'd rather have your soul touched:

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