Friday, September 5, 2008


Sweet!!! 200 postings!!!

We apologize for the recent inactivity, last weekend's holiday coupled with this weekend's travel has thrown off our writing schedule a bit, but fear not, we've been doing a lot of living lately and have few tricks up our sleeves once we return to The NLNC headquarters in a few days.

For now, as we gaze out our 11th story hotel window onto the fuzzy LA night, we'll leave you with our favorite joke...

A man called Old Man McGregor has taken his grandson outside to look over his Irish country estate.

Old Man McGregor: Ehh boy, you see that fence over there?
Grandson: Yes, grandfather, I see the fence.
Old Man McGregor: I built that fence with me own two hands...but they don't call me McGregor the Fence Builder, now do they, boy?
Grandson: No grandfather, they don't call you McGregor the Fence Builder.

Old Man McGregor: Ehh boy, you see that barn over there?
Grandson: Yes, grandfather, I see the barn.
Old Man Mcregor: I built that barn with me own two hands...but they don't call me McGregor the Barn Builder, now do they, boy?
Grandson: No grandfather, they don't call you McGregor the Barn Builder.

Old Man McGregor: But you fuck one goat...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a joke? where's the punchline..haha :)
good work on your blog dude, 200 postings, i have a feeling the next 200 will be even better..