Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Public Enemy No. 1

Recently we encountered a new Guy who has shifted our rankings of the worst Guys around, and natural enemies to The No-Look, No-Catch. We've outlined our distaste for Cocky IT Guy and Guy Who Likes to Sing Karaoke, and made it known that the only Guys worse than them are Team Hair Gel and Softball Guy, but this all has changed. There is a new king of the douchebags and he goes by the name of Wingman.

He thinks he's Team Hair Gel's best friend, and they love to hit the town together, but really Team Hair Gel doesn't give a shit about him. He has given himself the job of helping his buddy "score chicks" because thanks to his physical limitations and annoying personality, he won't be "scoring" any for himself. For some reason he takes pride in being the sidekick who's main purpose is to be worse than the guy next to him, and who's ultimate goal is to go home alone -- without his friend or a girl.

We faced a classic Wingman last weekend and were crushed. He was a short, fast-talking, five-headed, Son-of-Abraham who left us angered and confused. We just do not get the culture of predatory calculated conversations; Be them to "score chicks" or to help friends "score chicks" by building him up and heading-off the competition. Now we are no saints in regards to our dealings with the fairer sex, but we have never wanted and Wingman, needed a Wingman or been a Wingman. (exhale)

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