Monday, August 18, 2008

New Word

We remember one thing from our freshman Poly-Sci 190 class -- The most important thing in competition is not whether you win or lose, but rather if you surpass expectations. In an age of hype, ridiculous hype, where thanks to 24 hour niche programming and instant Internet access, everything seems to get overexposed, over analyzed and over hyped, Michael Phelps has done the impossible -- he surpassed impossible expectations. The gold medals and records are immense, but the fact that according to the media he was supposed to do it, and then did makes it even better. Then you add the intense drama from two or three of the races and you get something that even NBC Sports, the biggest hype machine of them all, has been flabbergasted. Every one's running stories about Phelps and his Olympics, all the superlatives look to be taken, so we offer up, Phelpsian. We think it'll catch on.


Anonymous said...

they already used that work on nbc. nice try, though

KITE said...

They must be readers.

Anonymous said...

haha. nice. witty. you're getting better at this.