Friday, August 29, 2008

We're On Board

We've wanted to like him since the first time we heard him speak four years ago. We've wanted to feel all warm and fuzzy like everyone else does when they hear his speeches. We've wanted to like Barack Obama for a long time, and tonight was the first time we've been able to honestly say, we like him, we're in. We've been critical of him for not showing any cards to this point, but really did he have too? We've been critical of his timing, when really, there's nothing wrong with striking while the irons hot. Tonight, he could have mailed it in with a perfunctory pandering political-pep-rally (mmmm alliteration) speech that would play to the adoring crowd, but he layed it on the line. He called McCain's ass out, said he was Bush lite, rebuked him for questioning his patriotism, and challenged him to debate.

The No-Look, No-Catch is officially endorsing Obama for president...we're probably going to have to be interviewed by CSPAN now...fucking CSPAN!!!

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